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    • pine

      Jack Haze

      5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
      Very good0%
      Sélectionné avec soin

      En hommage à la variété éponyme de l’activiste du cannabis Jack Herer, 7ACRES a développé un cultivar à dominante sativa avec une combinaison unique de notes d’agrumes doux, de pin frais et d’épices chaudes. Ce phénotype particulier se démarque parmi les autres, car il possède à la fois les notes sucrées et piquantes caractéristiques d’un cultivar haze, ainsi que des arômes d’épices distincts, qui a font du Jack Herer un favori parmi la communauté des amateurs de cannabis depuis des années.

      THC : 17 à 23 % | TERPÈNES : 2 à 4 % | CBD : 0 à 1 %



      5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
      Very good0%
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      GET TO WORK!


      WHEN I SAY THIS PUT ME TO WORK, THIS LEGIT PUT ME TO WERRKKK!!! For a long time I stayed away from sativa only because I was fearful of the “energizing effects” that come with the strain. Having an energetic personality already, I tend to stay away from sativa dominant strains. I did a bit of research at work while helping out a customer who was looking for a day time high, something that they could smoke while having to do work. I was intrigued and decided to try it for myself. When I first opened the package, it had a very strong lemon scent, almost like lemon floor cleaner if that makes sense. I really enjoyed this strain because I was able to focus on my computer work with ease, I was able to push through ALL OF MY TASKS with almost no breaks in-between. Research also says that it’s a good strain for folks that are struggling with stress and depression, but be mindful; it isn’t recommended for novice users. THC 20.6% with the leading terpene being Terpinolene

      Estephanie Infante



      It’s understated how good this is! So much more to appreciate than we realize. Great sativa, consistent quality.


      Smelly Weed In A Good Way


      Aroma alone sells this stuff on me everytime. The smoke is energetic and fun.


      Excellent sativa.


      7 Acres weed is always cured and trimmed properly. Jack Haze is a deliciously tangy smell and smoke, and it is highly sativa dominant.


      Definitely recommend everyone try atleast once!


      Greatest bang for buck Sativa on OCS. The smell is incredibly sweet and provides the perfect day time high. I always keep some in my stash.


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